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Questions – agriculture

Correct harvest time and cutting frequency:

The first sucker is of particular importance to fodder production on arable land as it constitutes approximately 50% of the annual harvest. The correct harvest time is imperative for fodder quality, which should be done no later than during full plant heading.

In spring plant growth and development is intense, that is why their structure also changes rapidly. Cutting delays mean that the protein content is reduced, with structural carbohydrates on the increase which are detrimental to fodder quality and a reduction of its digestibility. The daily reduction in digestibility in grasses oscillated between 0.3 to 0.5 % depending on type and variety. The energy and protein values of fodder also decrease. Satisfying the nutritional requirements of high output milk cows is only possible subject to high concentrations of energy

Green fodder from grasses harvested in April usually ensures the satisfaction of just life sustaining needs, whereas grasses cut earlier ensure the satisfaction of energy needs of cows at average milk production (12 – 15 l).

Furthermore, fodder made from early cut sward tastes better and as such more readily taken up by animals in larger quantities which increases output.

Preserved sward, gathered during the heading stage makes it possible for a cow to produce 3000 l of milk per annum, which is 27% more than similar fodders but cut at the start of the flowering stage and even as much as 68% more than fodder obtained from fields cut in full blossom.

Cutting frequency is closely linked with the harvest time. We obtain the best fodder quality under frequent four and in favourable weather conditions and subject to abundant use of fertiliser even fivefold plant harvest. The first cut is done at the start of heading and then every 30 – 35 days. Ryegrasses, festulolium, red fescues and orchard grass are well inclined to such treatment whereas timothy-grass due to slow budding growth and rescue bromegrass due to slow re-growth after cutting are cut less often.

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