Gray snow mould is one of the most dangerous grass diseases. The onset usually occurs once snow has melted and in autumn. The first symptom is whitish mould and then brown patches develop in the turf. Sometimes the patches overlap, creating whole swathes of dead plants. Prevention: verticut, lawn aeration, pre-winter care for the state of grass, avoid nitrogen fertilisers in autumn, cut the grass very short before winter, remove laves from the lawn, do not trample a snow covered lawn. Upon seeing the first symptoms of the disease, apply specially designated substances, usually spraying the infected lawn areas.
Helminthosporium. Dark brown, oval spots on grass blades may be caused by various species of fungi. The lawn is covered by a web like mycellium.
The disease may occur in summer and continue until autumn. The disease favours a low mowing height, shady areas and moisture. Prevention: use of nitrogen fertilisers always with the correct potassium content in moderate amounts, increasing mowing height (particularly in shady areas), verticutting, top dressing. Use fungicides to control the disease.
These often occur together and cause a damaged lawn with pinkish or red patches on the turf particularly visible in the mornings or in rainy weather. The colour is caused by the effects of fungus pathogens. The patches reduce lawn growth, are of different sizes with poorly defined edges. The disease favours cool and damp weather as well as insufficient nitrogen fertiliser. Prevention: application of nitrogen fertiliser in equilibrium with potassium and phosphate fertilisers, remove excess thatch from turf, reduce shade.
Cased by various fungi. A ring or band of mushrooms may appear on the lawn. If they do not cause changes in lawn appearance, elimination is possible through application appropriate fertilisers. However, sometimes the grass within the ring may start yellowing – then dig up soil up to 30 cm and replace with new, sow new seeds or try to use a dedicated product in the form of a spray. The usual causes for their appearance include remains of tree roots, grasses or other plants, excessive thatch. Prevention: prior to sowing the lawn remove roots of trees and other plants, verticut and aerate, apply fertiliser, monitor soil moisture levels.
Infected blades look as if though they have been sprinkled with flour. Such symptoms are caused by accumulations of fungus spores. Blades then turn yellow and subsequently dry out, thinning the turf. Shady lawns are susceptible to powdery mildew. Prevention: reduce shade, avoid dense sowing, reduce nitrogen fertiliser.
Usually develops on acid, moist and slow permeable soils, it also occurs on fast drying, sandy soils. Should be controlled suing recommended chemical plant protection products. Anti moss fertiliser such as Rolimpex S.A. Grassy lawn fertiliser should be applied frequently.
Occur on heavy, clay and impermeable soils. A light to dark green tarnish appears on the lawn. Algae favour shady, acid and compact soils. To control algae, use similar products as for controlling moss.